Lewis and Harris DMG

Lewis and Harris Deer Management Group
The newly formed Lewis and Harris Deer Management Group, (LHDMG) covers the Isles of Lewis and Harris (including the island of Taransay) in the Outer Hebrides, an area of approximately 197,824 hectares.

The purpose of the Group
The purpose of Lewis and Harris Deer Management Group (LHDMG) is to manage deer on a collective basis, in accordance with Scottish Government strategy (Scotland’s Wild Deer: A National Approach, 2008), the Code of Practice on Deer Management (2012), Wild Deer Best Practice Guidance and in a manner that integrates different land-use objectives, recognising that compromises over objectives may be required where conflict occurs.

DMG vision statement
The vision of Lewis and Harris DMG is to maintain a healthy deer population at a density that:
maintains habitats in good condition
minimises impacts on public health and crofting interests
maintains jobs and supports the local economy
provides a range of positive benefits both to those living locally and to those visiting the area.

Deer management units
There are 20 main deer management units within the DMG area. Combinations of land use objectives and priorities vary from property to property throughout the DMG management area but as a whole conservation is a common and strongly shared focus of all.

Deer Management Plan consultation/discussion
A series of presentations and opportunities for discussion on the Group’s draft Deer Management Plan were held on the following dates.
Stornoway Trust office, Perceval Square, Stornoway, 12.00 noon – 2.00pm, Thursday 8 March
Lochs Showground, Laxay, Isle of Lewis, 5.00 – 8.00pm, Thursday 8 March
The North Harris Trust office, Tarbert, Isle of Harris, 7.00pm, Friday 9 March

Deer Management Plan
The latest version of Part 1 and Part 2 of the  Deer Management Plan are available to  view.  The Deer Management Group welcomes feedback at any time -please contact the Secretary with comments or any issues you would like to see raised.

LHDMG Annual Report
Annual report to 31.03.19

08.06.17 Note of meeting
06.02.18 Note of meeting
12.06.18 Note of meeting
08.11.18 Note of Annual General Meeting (draft)
19.03.19 Note of meeting (draft)

Contact for more information: LHDMG2017@gmail.com